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- TITLE ' P M O D E --- SET LPT1: print options'
- PMODE is a DOS command (P.COM) which will set frequently used printer
- options on the EPSON MX-80 or MX-100 printer. Only those options that
- I frequently desire are set in order to keep the size of the command
- within 256 bytes, which allows it to fit within one cluster on my RAM
- drive. For the same reason, only one single character keyword option
- may be specified with each execution. You can however issue the
- command multiple times to achieve complimentary results, if they are
- allowed by the printer.
- Only the default printer may be set with this version. Other printers
- may be selected by changing the value in the DH reg just prior to the
- INT 17 in the PRTIO subroutine.
- Other options can be easily added if you keep the keyword to a single
- unique letter of a thru z.
- Due to size no ERROR RECOVERY is performed. If the printer is turned
- off or not ready nothing will happen. The bell is rung with each
- successful execution, (except top of form) to let you know the IO was
- performed.
- I renamed the command to P.COM for easy of execution but you can call
- it whatever you like.
- */
- P option
- T - Eject to next top of form
- B - Ring the bell. Helpful to detect if the printer is ready.
- C - Turn on COMPRESSED print (not valid with EMPHASIZED).
- D - Turn on DOUBLE STRIKE mode.
- E - Turn on EMPHASIZED mode (not valid with COMPRESSED mode).
- N - Turn off automatic skip over perforation.
- S - Set automatic skip over perforation to 6 lines.
- R - RESET printer to power up specifications.
- 6 - Set printer spacing to 6 lines per inch.
- 8 - Set printer spacing to 8 lines per inch.
- p n - Turn off automatic skip over perforation.
- p d - Turn on double strike.
- (C)Copyright September 1983:
- Timothy M. Hanes (713) 350-1438
- ASYST Inc. (713) 776-9091
- 7502 Corporate Dr. Suite 237
- Houston, Tx. 77036
- */
- ;**********************
- ;* EQUATES *
- ;**********************
- INPUT EQU 080H ;address of command tail
- ;buffer (set up by DOS)
- BELL EQU 07H ;EPSON buzzer
- BLANK EQU 20H ;ASCII blank code
- COMP EQU 0FH ;EPSON compressed
- CR EQU 0DH ;ASCII carriage return
- DBLSTK EQU 47H ;EPSON double strike
- EMPHSIZ EQU 45H ;EPSON emphasize
- ESC EQU 1BH ;ASCII escape code
- LF EQU 0AH ;ASCII line feed
- LPI_6 EQU 32H ;EPSON 6 lines per inch
- LPI_8 EQU 30H ;EPSON 8 lines per inch
- NSOP EQU 4FH ;EPSON no skip over perf
- RESET EQU 40H ;EPSON reset to power up state
- SOP EQU 4EH ;EPSON skip over perf
- TOF EQU 0CH ;EPSON advance to top of form
- MASK_DF EQU 11011111B ;mask to AND lower case to upper case
- ORG 100H
- PMODE: ;
- MOV DI,OFFSET INPUT ;initialize DI to the
- ;address of the input buffer
- MOV AL,[DI] ;check if any command tail
- OR AL,AL ;and if not
- JZ NODATA ;go set no input msg
- MOV AL,BLANK ;load ASCII blank for scan
- INC DI ;increment address in DI
- ;past the input count byte
- MOV CX,80 ;scan max of 80 chars.
- CLD ;clear direction flag
- REPZ SCASB ;look for first non-blank
- ;character in input buffer
- JZ NODATA ;if none found set no input msg
- XOR AX,AX ;zero AX
- XOR DX,DX ;zero DX
- ;load the non-blank char.,
- MOV DL,-1[DI] ;use offset 0f -1 since DI
- ;will be pointing past it
- CMP DL,CR ;if first non-blank char was CR
- JE NODATA ;set no input msg
- CMP DL,'a' ;compare for lower case a
- JB SELECT ;go select if < a
- CMP DL,'z' ;compare for lower case z
- JA SELECT ;go select if > z
- AND DL,MASK_DF ;change lower case to upper case
- SELECT: ;select the input character
- CMP DL,'T' ;was it upper case "T"
- JNE NOT_T ;no, go check for next character
- SETTOF: MOV AL,TOF ;insert printer code
- JMP SHORT SENDCODE ;go do printer io
- NOT_T: ;check input character
- CMP DL,'C' ;was it upper case "C"
- JNE NOT_C ;no, go check for next character
- SETCOMP: MOV AL,COMP ;insert printer code
- JMP SHORT SENDCODE ;go do printer io
- NOT_C: ;check input character
- CMP DL,'D' ;was it upper case "D"
- JNE NOT_D ;no, go check for next character
- SETDBL: MOV AL,DBLSTK ;insert printer code
- JMP SHORT ESC1ST ;go do printer io
- NOT_D: ;check input character
- CMP DL,'E' ;was it upper case "E"
- JNE NOT_E ;no, go check for next character
- SETEMPH: MOV AL,EMPHSIZ ;insert printer code
- JMP SHORT ESC1ST ;go do printer io
- NOT_E: ;check input character
- CMP DL,'N' ;was it upper case "N"
- JNE NOT_N ;no, go check for next character
- SETNSOP: MOV AL,NSOP ;insert printer code
- JMP SHORT ESC1ST ;go do printer io
- NOT_N: ;check input character
- CMP DL,'S' ;was it upper case "S"
- JNE NOT_S ;no, go check for next character
- SETSOP: MOV AL,SOP ;insert printer code
- JMP SHORT ESC1ST ;go do printer io
- NOT_S: ;check input character
- CMP DL,'R' ;was it upper case "R"
- JNE NOT_R ;no, go check for next character
- SETRSET: MOV AL,RESET ;insert printer code
- JMP SHORT ESC1ST ;go do printer io
- NOT_R: ;check input character
- CMP DL,'6' ;was it "6"
- JNE NOT_6 ;no, go check for next character
- SETLPI6: MOV AL,LPI_6 ;insert printer code
- JMP SHORT ESC1ST ;go do printer io
- NOT_6: ;check input character
- CMP DL,'8' ;was it "8"
- JNE NOT_8 ;no, go check for next character
- SETLPI8: MOV AL,LPI_8 ;insert printer code
- JMP SHORT ESC1ST ;go do printer io
- NOT_8: ;check input character
- CMP DL,'B' ;was it upper case "B"
- JE RINGBELL ;yes go ring the the bell
- ; all other codes come thru here and are invalid
- NODATA: ;no input data
- MOV DX,OFFSET MSG1 ;set msg and
- ;print the message whose
- ;address is in reg DX
- PRTMSG: MOV AH,9 ;function 9 = print string
- INT 21H ;call DOS to print
- JMP SHORT EXIT ;and exit back to DOS
- ESC1ST: ;send escape code first
- PUSH AX ;save AX
- MOV AL,ESC ;move in ASCII 27 escape code
- CALL PRTIO ;perform DOS print function
- POP AX ;recover AX, contains prt code
- SENDCODE: ;printer output routine
- CALL PRTIO ;perform DOS print function
- CMP DL,'S' ;if option "S"
- JNE RINGBELL ;no, ring the bell
- MOV AL,6 ;set SOP to 6 lines
- CALL PRTIO ;perform DOS print function
- RINGBELL: ;notify user of seccessful IO
- CMP DL,'T' ;if option "T"
- JE CR_ ;dont ring the bell
- MOV AL,BELL ;move in ASCII 7 bell code
- CALL PRTIO ;perform DOS print function
- CR_: ;send carriage return
- CMP DL,'R' ;if option "R"
- JE EXIT ;dont send CR
- MOV AL,CR ;send CR
- CALL PRTIO ;perform DOS print function
- EXIT: ;
- INT 20H ;return to DOS
- ;**********************
- ;**********************
- ;**********************************************************************
- PRTIO: ;INT 17 printer I/O routine
- PUSH DX ;save DX
- XOR DX,DX ;zero DX
- PUSH AX ;save AX
- MOV AH,00H ;zero AH, AL contains printer code
- INT 17H ;DOS print function
- POP AX ;recover AX
- POP DX ;recover DX
- RET ;return to caller
- ;**********************************************************************
- ;**********************
- ;**********************
- DB 'Invalid or no input - '
- DB 'options= T B C D E N S R 6 or 8'
- DB CR,LF,'$'